A £20 Registration Fee
RHH Staff Rate
£15 Per Month Standing Order Unlimited Access
or a Pay As You Go token option
Health Club is open
Monday to Friday
8.30 a.m - 7.15 pm
Action Heart

Please call us on 01384 456111 ext. 1470.
email davidp@actionheart.com
or call in to the Action Heart Centre in South Block for further information.
* Out of Hours Access for RHH staff:
Unsupervised access for staff paying by standing order, with no contra-indicative medical conditions, is now available on weekdays between
06:00 in the morning and 21:00 at night
Please contact the centre for further details.
Queue skipping for RHH staff:
At busy times, RHH staff paying by standing order can now avoid queuing
by using the signing in/out sheet.